Fresh Views on Farming

On our blog we tackle hard issues that are important to all of us as citizens of our country that range from food to farming to family. We give you a clearer understanding of what we do, what we care about and how it affects how you feed your family.
Check out the blog every couple of weeks to see what’s new in sustainable agriculture, food safety and quality, life on our farm, recipes, and more!
Winter Preparations for Summer Bounty
It’s sort of a given that farmers can’t really harvest in the winter unless they have a facility that can grow indoors, and even then it’s a tricky season. Have you ever wondered what we do during the cold season to prepare for a successful and bountiful crop at next harvest?
4 Steps To Sustainable Holiday Celebrations
The growing interest in sustainability and responsible eating and spending habits is something we’re thankful for this Thanksgiving. The holidays are filled with warmth, family, love, and, of course, food.
Buying Local Is An Investment Your Locale
Buying local is an investment not only in your local economy, but also in the practices and ideals of the area in which you’re shopping. You get to know who your goods and services are coming from and get to support the local economy. In our case, you even get to know exactly where your food comes from.
Why We Eat Real Food, Not Nutrients
After decades of nutrition advice from so-called professionals, no one has any idea what is healthy and what isn’t.
Americans Are No Longer Interested In Dieting
Eating real food is much more sustainable than any fad diet.
5 Seasonal Vegetables To Look For at Your Farmer’s Market
The weather is finally starting to warm up here in Iowa, and we’re in the mood for spring produce.
White Striping Affects 96 Percent of Factory Farmed Chicken
White striping is making the rounds in the news these days, and for good reason. However, the problem itself has been growing for a long time. For those who haven’t heard, a muscular disease is impacting factory farmed chickens, and experts suspect it’s the chickens’ alarming growth rates that are causing the disorder.
The Health Benefits of Lamb and Goat Meat
Eating Local Meat is Actually More Sustainable than Veganism
Caring about the environment is absolutely a noble cause, and one that we at Heartland Family Farms take seriously. However, if you follow environmental news at all, you’ll probably have heard that going vegetarian is one of the best ways to save the planet — and that’s a notion we want to help lay to rest.
Does the Quality of Your Meat Affect Your Health?
You already know that the image of a fresh family farm is infinitely more pleasant than that of a factory farm. Obviously, wide-open spaces, a loving family of caretakers, happy animals and fresher produce looks a lot better than cramped spaces, pesticide-sprayed plants, and animals living in poor conditions. But does the way your meat is raised actually affect your health in any way?
Give us a call!
If you’d like to talk to someone right away, please give us a call!
We’ve just gotten an order a short time ago but the ground beef was very good, the pork sausage was great. Looking forward to enjoying the rest of our order!!
Return Policy
We always stand behind our products and we think you’ll find them absolutely great. If, however, for whatever unfortunate reason, you are not satisfied with your purchase, just give us a call and we’ll give your money back, no questions asked.
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