About Us
Welcome to Heartland Fresh Family Farm! We’re thrilled you’re here. Our family farm is located in the rolling hills of southeast Iowa, and is operated by myself, my husband Mark, our son, Lauren, our daughter Grace, and the most recent addition to our herd, our son Ben! We also get a lot of help from our Border Collie, Socks, a pack of felines led by a large tomcat named Rascal, and four horses.

We're Different
At Heartland Fresh Family Farm we know that you feel better about buying food when you know that it’s fresh and completely natural. We do too! We’re proud of the high-quality meat and veggies we produce locally, and that’s why we think you’ll be completely satisfied with the food you buy from us.

Fresh Views on Farming
On our blog we tackle hard issues that are important to all of us as citizens of our country that range from food to farming to family. Our latest blog posts are listed chronologically below.
Recent Posts
If You Could Talk to the Animals…
Whether it’s killer whales or chickens, people are concerned about animal welfare – as well they should be. Farmers are no different, though many would make us out to be cruel and uncaring.
Exposed! The Truth About Family Farms
Nitrates, which flow into the Raccoon River and threaten the city’s water quality. We are troubled by the behavior of both the City and the responses from the counties and general public. Not surprisingly, a media circus has ensued with barbs flying and misinformation disseminated faster than we can Tweet.
Where’s The Beef? Everywhere.
Recently, they published an article entitled One Third of Food Is Lost or Wasted: What Can Be Done indicating that 30 percent of the food we grow is never eaten, and we can do better. This made us think of beef. Do you ever wonder just how much of a cow is wasted when beef is produced?
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