About Us
Welcome to Heartland Fresh Family Farm! We’re thrilled you’re here. Our family farm is located in the rolling hills of southeast Iowa, and is operated by myself, my husband Mark, our son, Lauren, our daughter Grace, and the most recent addition to our herd, our son Ben! We also get a lot of help from our Border Collie, Socks, a pack of felines led by a large tomcat named Rascal, and four horses.

We're Different
At Heartland Fresh Family Farm we know that you feel better about buying food when you know that it’s fresh and completely natural. We do too! We’re proud of the high-quality meat and veggies we produce locally, and that’s why we think you’ll be completely satisfied with the food you buy from us.

Fresh Views on Farming
On our blog we tackle hard issues that are important to all of us as citizens of our country that range from food to farming to family. Our latest blog posts are listed chronologically below.
Recent Posts
Does the Quality of Your Meat Affect Your Health?
You already know that the image of a fresh family farm is infinitely more pleasant than that of a factory farm. Obviously, wide-open spaces, a loving family of caretakers, happy animals and fresher produce looks a lot better than cramped spaces, pesticide-sprayed plants, and animals living in poor conditions. But does the way your meat is raised actually affect your health in any way?
The Story Behind Your Egg Yolks
Here in the US, many of us have grown accustomed to pale yellow egg yolks. If we saw the egg yolks from chickens raised abroad, we’d probably wonder what the heck was wrong with our eggs.
How Do You Spell Transparency?
When’s the last time you looked at a menu and read that something was “sustainably sourced,” “organically grown” or “farm-to-table”? If you’re like most of us, it probably wasn’t too long ago.
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